If you notice your computer acting up and getting considerably slower lately, it might be at risk of having spyware. Spyware is some variation of computer virus except that it is out there to obtain your personal information. Examples of this information are your credit card, bank, and PayPal logins.
And so you ask yourself, how do I get rid of spyware? The best way to deal with this dilemma is to download a complete antivirus software that deals with all kinds of malicious intruders such as viruses, malware, and spyware. Here are suggested steps on how to do this:
1. Open Google or any other popular search engines and try looking for an anti-spyware program. You might also consider typing in the keyword "antivirus download" and check the website of the antivirus programs listed if it includes spyware removal in its protection package.
If you're unsure whether a particular antivirus program is safe enough to use, try researching first by visiting forums and legitimate reviews and check what others are saying about your target antivirus program.
2. When you have decided on what program to download, simply click on the Download Now button or any other similar button. Make sure you get the latest version because it contains updated protection system that can fight off any recently-created spyware or viruses. Remember that everyday, there are hundreds of viruses being unleashed and the only way you can protect your computer is by arming it with the most updated antivirus software.
3. Follow the instructions given after you have clicked on the Download Now button. Only click the Next button if you have thoroughly checked the step presented. Somewhere along the way, you will be given options on what programs to include. Make sure you check Antivirus, Spyware, and Malware as these are the three most common types of computer enemies.
4. The steps would usually include accepting the license agreement which you must read and understand before doing so. You will also need to choose between personal and office use. If it is for company use, you might need to sign up and purchase a package for ultimate protection. When choosing a destination folder, make sure that the desktop option is selected so that you can easily find the icon in your desktop should you need to manually run it.
5. As soon as you have clicked Finish, reboot your computer if it does not give you an option to do so. Without rebooting, some functions may not properly work. This would mean you will go back to square one and ask yourself again, how do I get rid of spyware. After rebooting, run the program and let the program destroy any spyware it detected.
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